American children are the most medicated children in the world!

30 08 2012

Antipsychotics in Treating Child Behavior Problems

Read this…I dare you!  No, this isn’t some crazy tree hugging, dirt munching hippie who believes modern ways are evil and everyone should love one another and live in a tent.  Far from it folks.  Dr Mercola is a physician who has seen the light and cuts through all the modern fairy tales most of us are used to hearing.

If you know me, you may have known  my father, a physician who believed drugs are NOT the answer and that God gave us a means to heal our bodies IF we will use what He gave us in the first place.

In a nut shell, this article will tell you what I know and learned myself, not once but twice due to a so-called mental illness that the “experts” will continue to tell you that there is no way of healing and drugs are the fist line of defense.  WRONG.  Can anyone suffering from a “mental illness” go w/o any drugs for the rest of their life?  Maybe not but odds are that one can and I know this personally IF they are open and ready for a long tough road ahead…but with a great light at the end being able to live a life as meant to live…without these disorders.

So, what is the culprit causing so much stir and trouble with our children today?  Why so many reports of children being born with Autism, Bipolar, ADD, ADHD, Drepression and so many other psychiatric “disorders”?  Is it genetic predisposition?  Yes and it can be traced back to the mother and father’s habits and what they INGESTED throughout their lives.  And it does go back to their parents and so on in terms of how badly their gut is hurting from what was ingested.  That’s right…your GUT is the primary reason for the reason your MIND is not functioning properly.

Let’s look at it this way…you wouldn’t put sugar water in your gas tank and expect it to perform would you?  Why would you expect your body (again, this includes your brain as it receives nutrition from where…your gut) to perform at maximum capacity if you don’t give it what it was designed to receive…nutrition from WHOLE FOODS.  Real food, not processed foods with man-made ingredients.  It’s hard for us to avoid it when these foods are constantly being rammed down our throats via advertising and it’s soooo much cheaper.  And then throw in the fact that when we are YOUNG, you don’t feel it’s effects right then and possibly not for decades to come.  You do and will pay a price down the road and if it’s not you, it’s passed down to your children!  There is no such thing as a free lunch.

The connection between the brain and your gut…

When you are born, there is a solid connection between your brain and gut.  They are one and split into the two separate organs we recognize today and are connected by the CNS.  If anyone is familiar w/ depression and so forth, you will recognize the term serotonin.  Many big pharmas today have created drugs that supposedly create or enhance the production of serotonin or help it “move” better in your brain.  What they don’t tell you is your GUT can and does create this naturally as God intended…in your GUT!  Over 90% according to some experts.  So why take a drug with various side affects (or give it to your precious child) to do something (and yet evidence is there to show these drugs don’t do a good job at all in this area) that your gut can and will do IF you feed it the right nutrition?

Am I saying don’t do anything for your child and avoid drugs at all costs?  NO but they should not be your first line of defense and most physicians and psychiatrists will have you believe.  I’ve been down that road and it was a last resort but luckily we came across this information not soon after having to use meds and we also found a supplement that is geared to healing the CNS and getting your gut back in shape.  But check it out…it’s not easy!  It’s no quick fix unlike drugs and that’s what we want in America…we want it and we want it NOW!  Wrong!  You will have to pay a price but at what price are you and your loved one’s paying for the quick fix of drugs?  Side effects, unknown long term effects, their personalities do change…many personalities become “flat-lined” so to speak.  Who knows more…scientists or God?

Read and/or share this article with anyone you know who might benefit from healing.  I’m glad to chat with you or anyone else as well and can offer my insight and experience.  See the “About Me” section to learn a bit about my miracles!

How to read PLU codes – For Organic and Conventional Produce

21 08 2012

A very short article explaining a simple way to KNOW if you are eating organic or conventional produce.  Unfortunately, the US government in all their wisdom, or should I say in all their deep pocketed relationships, has determined that GMO produce doesn’t need to be labeled.  Don’t you love it when the government thinks for us and knows what’s best for us all?

In essence, if produce has a 5 digit PLU code beginning with an 9, it’s safe.  If it’s a 4 digit code beginning with a 4, it might be OK or might not.

How to read PLU codes – For Organic and Conventional Produce.

Children’s diet soft drink consumption doubles in a decade

20 08 2012

I’m going to make this REAL SIMPLE…artificial or low calorie sweeteners do NOT help you lose weight.  As a matter of fact, they can exasperate the condition and make it that much harder to actually lose weight.  I won’t dive into a scientific article to bring this point to light (and they are out there btw) but instead will use a bit of common sense.

The USA is THE most out of shape country in the world.  We’re #1…we’re #1!!!  It’s not so much about lack of exercise, and that sure doesn’t help folks.  It’s our diet or choice of synthetic food intake.  This country consumes more junk food than any other.  Processed foods (those in a box, bag, can or any other container with more than one ingredient) are the staple and common place of our society.  And what is even more sad, as poverty rises in our country, it makes junk food that much more appealing.  It’s a vicious cycle folks and we’re in the midst of a real melt down.

Do yourself a favor…quit ALL soft drinks, sodas or whatever you want to call them.  Quit and drink water.  And yes, that includes avoiding sweet tea.  That’s right.  I’m a southerner and I quit it myself!  I haven’t had a soft drink in 2 years now and life didn’t get much better when I had a Dew and a Snickers when I was young.  You couldn’t pay me to do that to my body now.

Check out the article below and just look at it like this.  Since the consumption of these so-called diet drinks has doubled and yet obesity continues to rise…hmmmmmm….I DON’T THINK IT’S WORKING!

Children’s diet soft drink consumption doubles in a decade.

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and Anxiety

15 08 2012 » IBS and Anxiety.

Based on personal experience and great success following her natural advice, I can whole-heartily recommend this website and the author’s recommendations.  Paula is an expert in this field unlike anyone else I know.

Once again, if a professional, specialist or “expert” were to look at your SYMPTOMS, you would be treated with a typical drug that has been produced and marketed for this type of SYMPTOM.  I keep emphasizing the word symptom because it IS exactly just that..a symptom and not THE UNDERLYING CAUSE.  Therefore you will never be healed and only receive a bandage that covers up the truth and will allow you to be a patient for life for the pharma and medical industry.

Normally, someone has to be on their last leg and desperate before they heed the call of alternative or natural cures (yes, a cure).  Unfortunately, so much harm could be caused to your body because of the treatments up until this point.

Keep an open mind and you will see miracles.

Chemical in many antibacterial soaps linked with impaired muscle function | Fox News

15 08 2012

Chemical in many antibacterial soaps linked with impaired muscle function | Fox News.

It’s easy for us to look to the “main stream” media for information we can easily digest and “believe”.  Don’t be fooled.  The politics can truly affect their focus or point of view, especially for the more national or international mediums who have their own political agenda.  However, we can’t bury your heads in the sand and ignore but need to review the information with an open mind keeping in mind “the source”.  I am surely not picking on Foxnews or any other one particular news source as I consider them all to be equal.  The article’s subject is my focus.

However, when someone with my lack of professional credentials in a particular area such as healthcare or nutrition, begins a blog offering their insight, you must make sure you understand one’s past (see my “About” section) in order to digest such information.  While I’m not trying to cut off my nose to spite my face, I am being honest in how I approach and digest information…consider the source.  I may not have such credentials that others may posses but I have overcome an illness that all those doctors and PhD’s who can’t think for themselves and believe they are THE source with ALL the information state is not possible to do.  I digress…

This re-post comes to us from Foxnews focusing on a wide-spread product that has been deemed “safe for all” from our very own and always caring FDA only to now find out that one of the ingredients is NOT safe and causing serious health problems.  How often do we hear about this with drugs these days?  My reasoning for the rant is quite simple…just because the FDA considers it to be safe, doesn’t mean it is folks.  We must learn to exercise caution when accepting these “truths” from such biased and special interest organizations, especially those from the government whose primary executive staff are made up of people with strong ties to the very organizations they are supposed to be monitoring and overseeing.  Can you say “CONFLICT OF INTEREST”?  Dr. Mercola, a well informed resource for digging to find the truth, has a great article on this very subject (I’ll research and publish this very article that is sure to wake you up with some scary facts).

In parting, I ask that you do some research on OTHER media that is not mainstream and find reliable resources that appeal to you based on your experiences and interests.  Do NOT rely on government or the mainstream media for the true facts.

Oh, btw, the way I see it, back to this article…God gave us an immune system that is more than capable of dealing with germs in it’s own way IF you feed your body the nutrition that God created, not man (high fructose corn syrup, MSG, hydrogenated oils, enriched wheat, etc. etc.).  Thoughts?

Rep. Jackson being treated for bipolar depression…does he have a fighting chance?

14 08 2012

Rep. Jackson being treated for bipolar depression, clinic says –

I know someone who could help Mr. Jackson regain his true identity…without one single drug.  I know this as I’ve been through it personally.

Unfortunately, more than likely, he’ll never be given this opportunity thanks in part due to the mainstream media and the misnomer that Western medicine = drug therapy.  Not factual in any way or form.

Odds are quite high that Mr. Jackson is suffering from a gut disorder.  What does one’s “gut” have to do with a mental disorder?  Everything.  It is in the gut that these microflora bacteria (not a well known part of our bodies but becoming THE focus these days) will determine if your ABLE to use your mind correctly.  The required chemicals to make your brain flourish as God intended come directly from your gut.  If your gut is not functioning correctly to create these natural chemicals, your brain won’t function correctly.  If you don’t nourish your gut with the food that God intended, not eating processed foods, then he doesn’t have a chance to regain his mental health.  That is the most simple way to get this across without all the fancy terminology.

Odds are, he inherited a poor gut and I’m quite certain that his diet over his life time has not been a healthy choice as well.  However, Mr. Jackson is not doomed to a life consisting of a strong cocktail mix of pharmaceuticals for the rest of his life each leaving a “side affect” that is more than likely treated by yet another drug.  It’s a brutal cycle that is created.  There is hope as God would not allow this to happen to His people without offering an answer.

So, where will things go from here for Mr. Jackson?  The fact he is being treated by one of the world’s most renowned clinics…I fear for his well-being.  Odd huh.  Normally, the individual or someone who cares directly for the individual, such as a wife, sibling or parent, would have to be convinced that there is a better way besides the typical treating of his symptoms (bipolar is nothing more than a symptom that something is wrong with your gut, not your brain) and will seek out alternative treatment.  Some of us were blessed to have that other person in our life (in my case my wife is that angel) while most others will remain lost.

I pray for Mr. Jackson and will even reach out but understanding that more than likely my email will be viewed as quackery.   Or will it?

Finally? A Red Food Coloring NOT from Bugs or Petrochemicals |

13 08 2012

Food coloring, not to mention flavoring, is part of a HUGE market.  Just walk down most any supermarket isle and read a few ingredients.  If they don’t hide their true function or name, it’s in almost all processed foods.  ALL!

I KNOW what it does to my child.  She become not only hyper but suffers from anxiety and becomes very edgy and confrontational.  She has been able to articulate that she “can’t control my own mind”.  Wow, that’s huge.  So you can bet its very rare that we allow her any type of product w/ artificial coloring.  For the longest time I used to think that Carmel coloring was OK and all natural…boy was I wrong!

In the mean time, an interesting and short read regarding the color RED…

Finally? A Red Food Coloring NOT from Bugs or Petrochemicals |.

New parent? Watch the saturated fat –

10 08 2012

Amazing…blame everything else but DON’T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions! Listen, anyone who is or has been a parent knows the toll it takes on your life. Every single aspect of your life is affected and if it isn’t, your doing it wrong. Financials, mental, physical, spiritual, etc. They all change as it’s the most challenging change you can face in your life (for the most part).

When you become a parent, your focus is (or should) change dramatically as your child becomes the center of your life for the most part (there is such a thing as moderation folks). Physically, you will be exhausted as children are demanding. Once you find that happy medium (don’t spoil them and allow them to be the parents), you will be able to get part of your life back in order.

Your diet will control whether or not you remain in the same shape or not. You cannot allow the children and your lack of energy to determine or drive your diet. I can’t speak for the mothers who really take the huge brunt of the changes (and should as that is why God gave women their incredible strength and natural abilities to handle motherhood so much better then we men could ever hope to do).

Basically, excuses are exactly that…reasons we convince ourselves that we cannot do something.  What are your priorities?

New parent? Watch the saturated fat –


Drink ‘em if you got ‘em

9 08 2012

And yet, Coke and McDonalds continue to be allowed in our schools and even sponsor the Olympics. That’s like Sesame Street being sponsored by Playboy!


Recent research suggests that obesity has surpassed smoking in terms of ill health effects.

However, consider the disparity in media coverage (i.e. paid television advertising) warning us of the health implications of smoking cigarettes vs. eating junk food.

Having said that…based on statistics alone, is drinking a soda not unlike lighting up a cigarette?  I’m not condoning or disparaging either, I’m just saying they are relatively equal in terms of health effects, so we should be aware of the consequences of our choices.

Here is an interesting chart from the article describing sodas effect on the body:

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toxic chemicals used everyday and proven safe by our government

7 08 2012

OK, how many use these common, every day cleaners?  Due to our family being predisposed to a chemical intollerence (thanks for the sensitive genes mom and dad ;)), we only  use non-toxic products from a proven source (Melaleuca).  I’m sure there are some products out there that have their place in terms of being used but NOT on a daily basis.  The reason I bring this up in the first place is simply due to the fact that we really need to wake up to the fact that so many illnesses and health problems are truly compromising our quality of life.  Just look at the rise of Autism.  I don’t believe that these things “just happen” and there is a reason for everything.  Chemicals or environmental health hazards are simply PART of the problem, not THE cause (but may be for some issues however).

So, what do we do?  Continue to rely on the FDA and other government agencies that are known for hiring leaders who have compromising values due to their resumes having worked for big Pharma or other giant corporations who made/make the very products being tested and released as “OK”?  Yes, that is a rhetorical question.  The first step is EDUCATING the public.  How do we do this?  I’m working on it but this is a start until we can get the word moving better to the general public.  Government is NOT the answer.